Grip Tips

5 things I’ve started doing for superhuman recovery

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5 things I’ve started doing for superhuman recovery

Intermittent fasting, the vertical diet, high iron levels, mid day crashes, ice baths? It's all in this post!

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How to do everything in 1 training week

bodybuilding cross training flexibility training grip training jujimufu blog planning training powerlifting training

How to do everything in 1 training week

How do you organize a training week that has a lot of different things?

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Lifting straps for a bigger back (and grip)!

big forearms forearms growth grip implements grip tools grip training how to train grip jujimufu jujimufu blog lifting straps good or bad

Lifting straps for a bigger back (and grip)!

How in the world can lifting straps help build your grip strength?!

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I Arm Wrestle for Big Arms

arm wrestler arm wrestler arms arm wrestling arm wrestling exercises arm wrestling injuries benefits of arm wrestling big arm training get big arms grip exercises grip genie jujimufu jujimufu arm wrestle jujimufu blog

I Arm Wrestle for Big Arms

Arm wrestlers have bigger arms than you.

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Flipping and Gripping

flipping flips grip grip training carryover grip training cycle grip training routine grip training schedule jujimufu jujimufu blog tricking

Flipping and Gripping

Can you train both flips and grip?

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