I Arm Wrestle for Big Arms

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I was introduced into the world of arm wrestling a year ago when there was a tournament at a FitExpo I was at. Tom and I checked it out, the organizers were very inviting and even offered to let us “pull” (arm wrestling term for arm wrestling) in the tournament. All we had to do was show up 15 minutes before the event for quick instructions, (so we didn’t break our arms off). That day was documented in this video:


Since then we’ve done a lot of arm wrestling and have had the honor of working with and befriending top arm wrestlers like Devon Larratt. Throughout all this, the question we’ve received the most from arm wrestlers is,

“Are you serious about arm wrestling?”

Are you serious about Arm Wrestling

I seriously love the sport (I watch Arm Wrestling matches on YouTube while I eat breakfast many mornings of the week. And Sumo Wrestling videos too haha!) I enjoy doing it and find it incredibly interesting. Also, the training methods of top arm wrestlers is fascinating if you’ve never been exposed to them. I want to make more arm wrestling videos and get better at it. I’m serious about my arm wrestling goals, what are my arm wrestling goals?


Devon can Outangle anyone from any position!

That’s the incentive that’s going to keep me arm wrestling forever! That’s why doing funky arm wrestling exercises makes sense: because in the end, I’m gonna end up with those freaky arm wrestling arms that only arm wrestlers have! If you’ve never seen an arm wrestler's arms in person, it’s hard to appreciate how UNIQUE and POWERFUL the muscular development of a seasoned arm wrestler’s arms are.

Matt Mask vs Todd Hutchings

The fact that arm wrestling is FUN makes it even easier to get bigger arms! Check out the difference between my arms in this picture. One arm I “lightly” arm wrestled with for 10 minutes. The other I did not. Proof:

Which arm did I arm wrestle with?

Arm wrestling is so fun you want to keep going. I’ve never found doing bicep curls so fun that I just kept going. Sure, bicep curls feel good when you’re done, and the pump is great, but unlike arm wrestling, you’re gonna stop when the job is done. When you’re arm wrestling, you don’t want to stop, and you get tendinitis, and then you work around it because it’s too much fun!!!

Jujimufu arm wrestling

Arm wrestling itself, and the training involved in it also build arm muscles up in a way that nothing else does. That’s why arm wrestlers have a freaky look about them. So, I arm wrestle for big arms, and they’re gonna get bigger because I love arm wrestling. And, of course, why not compete as well if I’m getting improving with all the training? Might as well test myself. Maybe I'll start by pulling against myself!

Jujimufu vs Jujimufu Arm Wrestling


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