The Beginner Gripper Program

How to Start Training With Grippers 

Looking for how to train with your new hand grippers? We've got your back. Check out the program below to get started with your gripper set. First up some definitions to help you out.

Gripper Terminology

Your warm up gripper is the lowest in your set. Your working gripper is the next level up that you can close for 3-5 reps. Your goal gripper is the next level up that you can’t quite close yet. Warmup with your warm up gripper, progress to your working gripper, and then progress to negatives on your goal gripper when you are ready. The beginner gripper program is as follows.

The Beginner Gripper Program

  • Close your lowest gripper for 1x10 each hand.
  • Close grippers until you can’t (the highest in your set).
  • Go down one gripper (GG3 to a GG2).
  • Do 3x5 on each hand. Rest at least 2 minutes between sets.
  • Do this program twice per week.

Minus the 2nd step, repeat the above program for 2 months. Now you can start adding negatives. After your 3x5, get the next level of gripper (your goal gripper) and use both hands to close it. Then, slowly release the gripper with one hand. These are gripper negatives. You can use your leg or chest to assist in the closing portion. In summary, after 2 months, change up the program to this:

  • Close your warmup gripper for 1x10 each hand.
  • Close your working gripper 3x5, rest.
  • Do negatives on your goal gripper 3x1, rest.

Only progress grippers once your hands are warmed up. Crushing strength is totally different from other gym lifting and you can wear out your hands fast. Take your time resting and add more warm up sets as needed.

Once you’ve done the above program for 2 months, you may be ready to take on a new gripper PR. Try this progression below and remember to rest between sets!

  • Close your warmup gripper for 1x10 each hand.
  • Close your working gripper 3x5, rest.
  • Attempt to close your goal gripper (3 attempts total)

Beyond The Beginner Gripper Program 

If you managed to close your next gripper, congrats! And even if you didn’t, major props for getting this far. Always remember to take your time resting and warming up. It might be tempting to add more days or tons of heavy closes but it’s important to acclimate your grip slowly. Take care of your hands, and they’ll take care of you. Grippers continue all the way up to GG7 so keep closing and we’ll see you there.

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